Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey people this article is written by one of my friends.I'd invited the person concerned to post the article but the person chooses to be anonymous so m posting instead.Really good article.Do read it.

Gone is the age when the media restricted themselves to only reporting the daily events. Now, it is all about the implementation of the Right to Information Act....... in order to increase the public awareness....... but the question is – IS THE MEDIA USING THEIR RIGHTS TO CREATE AN AWARENESS?? Or has it converted to a just another money making business.... that isn't concerned with the truth or with justice anymore??? The media has launched their own bureau of investigations against crimes.... and the end result in most cases is that the accused is convicted even before the trial begins!

There have been cases where the intervention by the media has been a boon. Where the pure determination of the reporters to expose the truth helped to bring the victims to justice... The Jessica Lal murder case is one of those rare instances. And hands down to those journalists who helped to bring about these drastic change of events... but these incidents are outnumbered by cases in which the outcome has not only harmed the public but also the Indian Judiciary System.

How can the court give a fair hearing to an accused whose sentence has already been awarded? Not only does the judge's decision get biased, but the humiliation inflicted is unimaginable. Every person has the right to a fair hearing..... and unless convicted by the court, no individual is termed as CRIMINAL. The Aarushi murder case is a classic example....

The hype caused by the media diverted the minds of the public and the inefficiency of the police maybe due to the same. The mere idea of judging a 13 yr old deceased girl's character is revolting! But the media, not only broadcasted the statement of the police but also went hand in hand to spin theories about how the girl's character is at fault! When this incident was condemned by the Supreme Court, there wasn't a single channel that failed to broadcast the condemnation. But neither was there anyone to claim responsibility to the same or for that matter apologise to the grieving family!

If the Right to Information Act was implemented in the appropriate manner then perhaps the Nulclear Deal, which is so much talked about and debated, will become unambiguous to the public. How many of us know about the INDO-US Nuclear Deal??? Everyone must have heard about it... but how many know more than the fact that it is a Nuclear Deal between India and USA???

Maybe instead of reporting Deepika Padukone's new tattoo, the media will report more pressing matters! If only... Rakhi Sawant slapping her boyfriend on Valentine's day would help solve the nation's problems.. then perhaps there would be some point in repeating the same telecast over and over again!!!


  1. I totally agree with your friend(whoever he is ...m a fan of him) dilip. Its really a matter of deep concern, where the media is taking this country. Earlier when there used to b only a few media channels(especially news ones) and therefore information flow was smooth and relevant. but due to this flooding of news channels the reals facts which should be portrayed are somewhere lost in between. They only try to show what common masses want to see on the contrary to what they are supposed to, mainly due to commercial reasons i think. But whatever be the cause, we need to take a serious stock of this situation and may be some rules and regulations should be imposed to check the content of these channels.
