Friday, July 31, 2009


This is an incident that happened around a month ago and is definitely the most weirdest experience I’ve ever had. I was returning from office after training. I got down at the metro station and a foreigner came up to me. He told me that he needed some help. I responded politely and said that i would definitely try and help. He mentioned that that it may be a little odd to you but what i was about to hear was an absolute shocker! He said that he had a jelly fish bite from a beach in Spain and he needed urea to decrease the irritation on his skin. He said that he's been trying for long but was unable to pee. AND HE REQUESTS ME TO PEE ON HIM! I was traumatized to say the least. Stunned by his apparent sincerity I offered that if he had a bottle I wouldn’t mind peeing in it and giving it to him. He didn’t have one. I guess he did have one but that was full of water and he wouldn’t sacrifice that. He would obviously need it: P. I said sorry and that peeing directly on you is just not an option and walked away.
Either that guy was gay or he was some crazy pervert. Or maybe he was telling the truth. One crazy experience I tell u.


  1. nice one dude ,,,,,,,i think he was a gay hehe hhe

  2. hahaha... hope u din get turned ;)

  3. You should have obliged....Heeheh

  4. ha ha .... " yeah dilli hai meri jaan"

  5. im sure he got turned on

  6. U should have agreed and then may be we all have got something more interesting to listen to...;)
